Monday, 8 October 2012

Symptoms of blood clots

Venous clots do not allow blood to return to the heart and symptoms occur because of this damming effect. Most often occurring in the legs or the arms, symptoms include:
  • swelling,
  • warmth,
  • redness, and
  • pain.
Arterial clots do not allow blood get to the affected area. Body tissue that is deprived of blood and oxygen begins to die and becomes ischemic (isch=to restrain + emia = blood)
  • Pain is the initial symptom of the ischemia, or oxygen deprivation due to loss of blood supply.
  • Other symptoms depend upon the location of the clot, and often the effect will be a loss of function. Heart attack and stroke are self-explanatory.
  • In an arm or leg, in addition to pain, the limb may appear white, andweakness, loss of sensation, or paralysis may occur.
  • If the blood supply is lost to an area of the bowel, in addition to intense pain, there may be bloody diarrhea.

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