Friday 14 June 2013

Fibroadenoma and Symptoms |Doctor in the house

Fibroadenomas (fy-broe-ad-uh-NO-muhz) are solid, noncancerous breast tumors that most often occur in adolescent girls and women under the age of 30.
A fibroadenoma is a firm, smooth, rubbery or hard lump with a well-defined shape. It moves easily under your skin when touched and is usually painless. Typically about the size of a marble, fibroadenomas can enlarge during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Fibroadenomas are one of the most common breast lumps in young women. Treatment may include careful monitoring to detect changes in the size or feel of the fibroadenoma, or surgery to remove it.


Fibroadenomas are solid breast lumps or masses that usually are:
  1. Round with distinct borders
  2. Easily moved
  3. Firm or rubbery
  4. Painless

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